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iTunes Price: $7.99

Genre: Rock

Released: May 06, 2014

Customer Ratings

(62 Ratings)

Pure Adulterated Joy – Morning Parade

View More By Morning Parade

Customer Reviews

Another great album! (5 stars)
MP's done it again. Alienation is one of the best songs I've heard in awhile.

Lacking (1 star)
Seems like a good concept, but can't help to notice something missing... soul maybe? Sounds a bit like they are talking among themselves rather than to any kind of audience. The story is written but do any of them really believe it? If you listen closely you can hear the pin drop, and an echo.

Descent Second Try (3 stars)
If I hadn't heard the first album then I would say this is a great album. Unfortunately I just don't think this has the same great vibe of their debut. One of the lyrics says "if I were on fire would you piss on me"? I mean come on guys...not lyrically captivating.


Formed: 2008 in Harlow, Essex, England
Genre: Rock
Years Active: '10s

Formed in Harlow in 2008, the Essex five-piece Morning Parade consist of lead vocalist Steve Sparrow, guitarist Chad Thomas, bassist Phil Titus, keyboardist Ben Giddings, and drummer Andy Hayes. Combining trance-style synths with anthemic rock guitars in the same vein as Friendly Fires, Delphic, and Fenech-Soler, their energetic sound and low-key secret live gigs soon attracted the attention of various record labels, and eventually resulted in a major-label deal with Parlophone. Following support...

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. Digital Booklet - Pure Adulterated J..Morning Parade--Album Only


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