![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Rock Released: May 21, 2013 Customer Ratings (78 Ratings) |
Talon of the Hawk – The Front BottomsView More By The Front Bottoms Customer ReviewsBest Album of 2013 Already? (4 stars)There is something very special about The Front Bottoms. Lyrically they are fantastic. Musically they are original. But I think it's the fact that they, as a band, fill me with such snarky joy that I explode with sarcasm all over the current "scene" is what I love the most about them. "Twin Size Mattress" will be my jam for a very long time because I can't sing a harmony nor can I play the tamborine but I have never wante Talent & Humility (4 stars) Saw these dudes live at Newport, KY, opened up for Man Orch, and they were so dope. Got to meet them after they played and they were by far some of the most humble dudes I've ever meet in any capacity. Just über down to earth and chill. The drummer is a must see live for any musician. He's just gnarly. They played Twin Size Mattress, and killed it. Amazing (5 stars) I'm in love with this new CD! Pretty sure I've just listened to it 10 times in a row at work. Haha Highly recommended! BiographyFormed: Bergen County, NJGenre: Singer/Songwriter Years Active: '10s The Front Bottoms are an indie rock duo from New Jersey whose music is a wildly eclectic blend of pop, rock, and punk influences, accompanied by witty lyrics that offer a rapid-fire, slightly surreal perspective on the world around them. The Front Bottoms are vocalist Brian Sella on guitars and vocals and Mathew Uychich on drums and bullhorn. Hailing from Bergen County, New Jersey, Sella and Uychich have been friends since they were ten years old, and started writing songs together when Sella was...
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